Breaking News
Monday, April 1, 2013

Info Post


1-Definition and Causes
It is highly fatal chronic purulent infection of pelvic portion of the kidney ,ureter and bladder developed by ascending infection from urinary tract .
It is caused by infection with coryn bacteria renale .

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2- Clinical Findings

A-Postparturient type:
loss of condition,emaciation,fetid discharges from genital tract, pus and blood in the urine and vagina .
B-Ureter colic type :
Restlessness,kicking of the abdomen,arched back,passage of blood clots and casts through the ureter frequent hemorrhage causes paleness of mucous membrane .
C-Cystitis tye :
Frequent urination,straining and passage of small amount of blood urine .
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   Rectal palpation revelead enlargeg kidney (left kidney can palpate), loss of lobulation and painful on palpation .Presence of blood (RBC),pus and castes in the urine.

4-line of treatment
·         Give antibiotic.
·         Urinary antiseptic.
·         Change urine pH.
·         Use diuretics.
·         Use sedatives.



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