Rabies [Lyssa] Definition Acute infectious highly fatal viral disease of warm blooded animals,transmitted in the saliva of rabi...
Drugs acting on the skin
Drugs acting on the skin The skin forms a protective layer allover body. Different drug forms applied on skin, their actions & therapeut...
Pharmacological bases for treatment of diarrhea
Pharmacological bases for treatment of diarrhea - Diarrhea results in loss of water and electrolytes from the body and deaths due diarrhea ...
دجاج التسمين والأوزان القياسية
دجاج التسمين والأوزان القياسية للوصول إلي الأوزان القياسية لبداري دجاج التسمين لابد من مراعاة الآتي :- 1- جودة الكتكوت. 2- الإهتمام بالكتكوت...
القطط وسلالاتها وتغذيتها وسلوكياتها
القطط وسلالاتها وتغذيتها وسلوكياتها السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الصورة مصغرة أنقر هنا لرؤيتها بحجمها الطبيعي 625*500 نبدأ ويا...
Pneumonia It is inflammation of lung tissues and bronchioles. It is caused by : Pasteurella multocida,Salmonella,TB,EVR Cl...
Radiological signs of urinary bladder rupture
Radiological signs of urinary bladder rupture Thebladder shadow is absent or small and contracted Fluid with in the peri...
Radiography as avaluable aid in fracture diagnosis
Radiography as avaluable aid in fracture diagnosis To confirm aclinical dignosis To demonstrate the position,relation...
Cystitis 1-Definition and causes It is inflammation of the bladder,characterized by frequent and painful urination. It is caus...
Nephritis 1- Defination and causes : It is infilammation of the kidneys. Caused by bacterial infection,mineral irritant or poi...
Pyelonephritis 1-Definition and Causes It is highly fatal chronic purulent infection of pelvic portion of the kidney ,ur...