Arthritis Pain Pet Medications Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Analgesic medications that relieve arthritis pain, such as Rima...
What Is Arthritis in dogs
What Is Arthritis in dogs Arthritis means inflammation of the joint. The most common arthritis in dogs and cats is osteoarthritis (OA), name...
What Is Addison's Disease in dogs
What Is Addison's Disease in dogs Addison's Disease is a deficiency of cortisol (a glucocorticoid) and/or aldosterone (a mineraloco...
Pets receive exercise benefits, just like humans
Pets receive exercise benefits, just like humans During the winter months, pet owners may need to be reminded of the importance of in...
Anemia in Pets: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Anemia in Pets: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Anemia is a fairly common clinical finding in dogs and cats, and by itself is not a diagnos...
Want a friendly kitten? Look at the father!
Want a friendly kitten? Look at the father! If you’re looking to adopt a new kitten, you probably want one that will grow into a friendly,...
Everything you wanted to know about your pet’s stool sample but were afraid to ask
Everything you wanted to know about your pet’s stool sample but were afraid to ask الصورة مصغرة أنقر هنا لرؤيتها بحجمها الطبيعي 500...
Pet owners can go green by tweaking their pet care
Pet owners can go green by tweaking their pet care Pet owners who want to go green in all aspects of their lives – including in the way ...
Making the switch to natural food
Making the switch to natural food Over the past few years, many people have discovered that choosing natural and raw food can help preve...
Why is my dog’s hair falling out
Why is my dog’s hair falling out Hair loss in dogs is somewhat common, but it is never normal. It almost always indicates an underlying ...
What common skin infections are bugging your pooch?
What common skin infections are bugging your pooch? You might not think much about your dog's skin, considering it is almost all covered...
Choosing a Joint Supplement for Your Pet
Choosing a Joint Supplement for Your Pet Many pets develop joint issues such as arthritis or osteoarthritis as they age. This usually involv...